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Kitty Manifesto

2004-04-21 & 1:23 p.m.

The following is a document left by Crazy Cat Lady for my reading pleasure....

Kitty Manifesto

First off: Thank you, thank you, thank you for caring for the boys!!!


Use the front door only, in and out QUICKLY!

The safety of the boys is the most important thing of all. Following are hazards to avoid, things to be watched out for, household rules to be upheld, plus all general information you will need to know.


Please unplug all lamps that have been on when you leave. Purr (Billy) the large orange tabby who doesn�t have a torn ear, chews on cords. Plus cords can be a safety hazard in general if kitties get tangled in them. Please leave ONLY the overhead lights on when you leave. Also unplug the microwave when you leave.


Use only the front door. It should remain closed at all times, as well as the bathroom and basement doors. It is very important to make sure the basement and front doors are closed securely when you leave. Please lock the front door when you leave. It tends to pull open when the outside door is closed. All doors should be slammed gently and then pulled closed to secure. You will hear the doors click when they are closed properly.

Beware of kitties near doors, particularly basement and front doors:

Max and Marco especially. I have accidentally closed doors on Marco�s head. It is easier than you�d think. Watch out for Max near doors as well. He often waits right inside and then will often be near the door when you leave.


Windows should stay closed at all times. Curtains should be drawn if it is hot. Please do not let the blinds down. The curtain to the left of the television can be left as it is so the guys can see out if it is too hot to open all the windows.


There are fans in the basement and the bedroom. They should not be left on when you leave and should be put back in the basement. Fans should only be placed on the floor when they are in use, never on top of anything.

Strings, etc:

The boys will try to eat strings, paper clips, needles, rubber bands, and buttons-ANYTHING small and dangerous and it is VERY, very important to make sure that nothing of the sort is left around. No plastic bags can be left out, nothing that is not already in the house that they boys aren�t accustomed to can be left out. I have learned a hard lesson in the past regarding these hazards. There can be no vegetation, flowers, etc. brought into the house. Also, Marco, who has some sort of metal obsession, will actually try to eat coins.

People Food:

The boys cannot have any people food. Please do not leave any food out unattended. Please do not leave any beverages unattended.


No soap can be left in the sink. I make sure there is no standing water or dishes left in the sink.


None of the kitties are allowed on the stove. The burners are tricky and can be very dangerous. We have accidentally leaned against the burner knobs and turned on the gas without realizing it. Please be careful of this and make sure the stove is safely off when you leave. The burner knobs should be turned all the way to the right in the OFF position. No kitties are allowed in the kitchen when the stove is being used.


Please check the refrigerator to make sure it is tightly closed when you leave.


Again, the bathroom door should remain closed at all times. No kitties are allowed in the bathroom.


I always make sure there is nothing dangerous on the kitchen counter and that it is wiped down.

Kitchen Cabinets:

Max will try to get into any cabinet if he is bored. Please make sure that all cabinets are securely closed and locked properly.


The boys eat several times a day, crunchies are on the bookshelf. They each get a little pile of food on the food mat. The big guys get not so big piles of food. I do not leave food out when we are gone, as the boys may choke on it. I also take it up when the boys are taking a nap.


I use bottled water which is to the left of the refrigerator. Please only fill up the water bowl 1/3 full. This prevents the boys from snorting the water and aspirating while drinking.

Litter Box:

Litter is in the hall closet. Don�t fill the litter boxes with too much litter as Marco tends to spill litter over the sides. Also if there is too much litter, it tends to be really dusty when it is overfull and the dust aggravates their sinuses.


All of the boys should be brushed several times a day, especially if it is shedding season. This really helps to cut down on shedding and hairballs.


Some of the kitties have bee allergies. Please be very careful coming in and out of the front door-i.e. don�t leave the door standing open-because if bees get in there they can get in the house. Also always keep a lookout in the house and if you hear anything buzzing, try to find the source.

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