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The Gluttonous Escapade

2004-03-25 & 11:23 p.m.

I love Al Franken. In May of 2001, Bush appointed Dick Cheney the head of a counter-terrorism task force that would meet and gather intelligence and review it. Occasinally, Bush was to chair meetings between this task force and the National Security Council. The total times the task force met was zero. The times that Bush chaired meetings between the two was zero. When Diane Sawyer interviewed Bush awhile back, they submitted requests to political talk show hosts and satirists. Al Franken submitted the following question, "If you take the number of times that task force met or the number of times that you chaired a meeting between the two organizations times the National Debt, what would be the result?" Al Franken said that the purpose of the question was two-fold, number one to see if President Bush knew that ZERO times anything is ZERO and to get him to admit the meetings never happened. Consqeuently, the question wasn't asked of the president.

P.S. GO HERE AND BE PREPARED TO LAUGH...unless you are Republican or my dad.

I know I complain about Colin Quinn a lot but bear with me...this is why. When I watch The Daily Show, it is hilarious and highly entertaining. It is full of many well timed punchlines and well told jokes. Then I have to watch Colin Quinn fuck up the simplest of punchlines and stumble through his jokes. It is terrible. And I FUCKING hate that little troll of a man, Jim Norton. He is a sexist ugly prick. He looks like a fat Gollum. (/end rant)

Ashley and I did a mini-Queer as Folk marathon today. We of course first went to Safeway to get snacks. To start off, I was wearing a winner of The Fashion Faux Paux Award today. (I know and I am a member of the Fashion Police....GASP!) But anyways, I did not really expect to go anywhere. Needless to say, today's outfit consisted of Adidas Baby Blue track pants, a lace camisole, a hooded sweater and Birkenstock clogs. I was a trainwreck of fashion. Top that off with Ashley wearing doggie pajama pants with a Polo sweatshirt, it was great. Our shopping selections made us look all the more attractive:

1 6 pack of Orange Soda

2 bags of Doritos

a frozen pizza


Mini Cadbury Eggs


Ice Cream

We probably should have thrown a box of tampons in the mix just to make it look like there was some reasoning behind this gluttonous escapade.

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