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It is a glorious word

2004-02-27 & 3:41 a.m.

Entry #3 for the night.....Yeah yeah yeah...I am still awake. Why? Oh I don't know. Couldn't be because I have to pee every 40 minutes or so. It is a damn good thing I am unemployed. Otherwise I would be calling in sick. Although I do have responsibilities....can I call in sick for those?

Sitting on the toilet, which I have been doing a lot of, I started pondering something. My love of the word fuck. It is a glorious word. No other word captures the feeling the fuck does. Fuck is so versitile, so wonderful, and so powerful. Problem with fuck though, I want to use it all the time and some people just don't think that doing so is appropriate. Fuck, some people are downright offended. I get happy when I hear Fuck. It warms my heart unlike any other word. I wish more people used Fuck. I even enjoy the well placed "Fuck you" in an arguement. Once the "Fuck you" is unleashed the arguement is pretty much over. The other person cannot really come up with a good comeback for that. You know? They cannot be like, "Yeah're stupid." It doesn't work like that. The "fuck you" has been laid out there and after that any arguement points are lost in the majesty of the "fuck you". And fuck is great when interjected into other words. Like one of my favorite Shirley MacClaine moments ever in Terms of Endearment when she says, "Fan-fucking-tastic." I love that. That fuck injection sent chills down my mothafucking spine. Oh fuck...I love you.

Seriously, Queer as Folk people did you include that "Hot Summer Days" documentary that followed the lives of QAF actors just to fuel my love of my two favorite QAF men? Did you? Did you do that to make me love Scott Lowell more than humanly imaginable..? Because I do now. Did you put that guitar in Hal Sparks' hands to taunt me with the immense sexual energy that he exudes while playing? Did you? Huh? Well you suceeded. I now worship my boys more than before. (Shhh...don't tell the husband...he doesn't understand.)

What Do You Have to Say About It?

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