All Of My Days Have Been Misspent
Stuffing Out The Sofa
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Thank You Mystery Urinator

2004-01-31 & 11:15 a.m.

Got this from LA.

FOREIGNER ALIAS = Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot: Pepper Bahamas

SOCIALITE ALIAS = Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied: Binky Barrington

"FLY GIRL" ALIAS = First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of Your Last Name: C PE

ROCK STAR ALIAS: = Any Liquid on the Bar + Last Name of Bad-Ass Celeb: Kahlau Rock

DIVA ALIAS: = Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen: Baby Delite

GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS: = Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went To School:

Kitty Bellevue

BARFLY ALIAS = Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink: Dorito Screwdriver

SOAP OPERA ALIAS = Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived: Ann Hager

My closet is clean now. I better keep the garage in total disarray or I will have nothing to look forward to procrastinating about.

Yay! I think the papisan chair finally died. I hate this peice of furniture in my house but the husband likes to sit in when he plays video games. I would like to send a secret thank you to whichever of my animals peed on it because he refuses to sit in it now. Thank you mystery urinator.

Last night someone gave me the nicest compliment I think I have ever gotten. If you would like to read it, go check it out at demi-orphan's diary. Promptly after I read it, the husband was making fun of me and said,"I would never write something like that about you." I said,"I know. You don't do shit. If you do anything beyond the dishes and feeding the cats, I would have a fucking anuerysm." What pissed me off the most was someone was saying nice things about me and he read it, made fun of me and laughed. WTF? I was so pissed....I still am. I am starting to believe that heterosexual men are not for me. I should spend the rest of my life in the company of women and gay men. He better not come at me with his poking stick today....I'll cut it off.

What Do You Have to Say About It?

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Wilted Tulip - 2005-08-10
"Mullets of America: Step Away From this Femme" - 2005-05-27
I�m the dyke who will give it to you - 2005-05-11
Trail Mix - 2005-05-04
Can I be random? - 2005-04-27